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A Pro’s Guide to Industrial Kitchen Design

January 19, 2022

Create a Stunning Industrial Kitchen

Revamp your kitchen into an industrial haven with our top-notch tips! Our proficient interior design team has handpicked four indispensable recommendations to assist you in realizing the industrial kitchen design you've been yearning for.

Unleash an industrial and modern design into your kitchen with our detailed breakdown of diverse industrial kitchen design ideas. Our top priority on the list is the floor plan - delve deeper to discover the numerous ways you can amplify the industrial aesthetic in your kitchen!

Open Space + Room to Work

To achieve an authentic industrial kitchen, an open floor plan, and abundant workspace are crucial. As you'll be spending a significant amount of time in your kitchen, a spacious layout is paramount. 

Unlike a cozy ambiance, the industrial design emphasizes a sense of openness, typically accomplished by incorporating a central island and ample counter space for food preparation and appliances.

High Ceilings + Ample Lighting

Opting for soaring vaulted ceilings is a great way to create a sense of openness and provide additional room for tall cabinets and ample lighting. This not only gives the impression of more space but also helps with ventilation. 

When it comes to lighting, in-ceiling cans or LEDs are excellent options, but you can also opt for fixtures to suit your personal style and preferences. Ultimately, the choice is entirely up to you and how you envision your ideal home aesthetic.

Materials + Finishes in the Kitchen

Industrial kitchens are characterized by their clean lines, functional spaces, and neutral color schemes, often featuring stainless steel finishes. To achieve a cohesive industrial design, it's essential to incorporate industrial-style finishes throughout your kitchen and other areas of your home. 

However, if you want to take your industrial kitchen to the next level, consider exploring various factors to enhance its uniqueness and overall appeal.

  • Long-Lasting Flooring

    Longevity is a key consideration when selecting flooring for an industrial design. The ideal flooring should withstand years of wear and tear.

    While wood is not typically used in industrial flooring, you can achieve a similar look with wood-styled tiles. Alternatively, you can incorporate wood as a contrasting element to add depth and character to your industrial kitchen design.
  • Simple, Clean Cabinets

    Cabinetry is a critical element in industrial kitchen design, with a focus on clean lines and simplicity. Neutral colors, such as natural wood, white, or black, are commonly used, while multiple colors or patterns may clash with the industrial aesthetic. Open cabinets, whether full or partial, are also favored for their open and minimalist feel.

    For hardware, you can add a modern touch, but it's essential to keep it simple and not overly complex. Look for hardware that is both visually appealing and functional, without standing out too much from the overall design.
  • Stone or Granite Countertops

    When it comes to countertop options for industrial kitchen design, materials like stone, granite, concrete, and quartz are commonly used. However, the design should be kept simple and complement the overall aesthetic of the kitchen, with plenty of space to work.

    Durability, simplicity, and flow should be top considerations when selecting the perfect countertops for your industrial kitchen. It's important to choose a material that can withstand daily wear and tear and aligns with the overall design philosophy of the space.
Modern industrial kitchen
moody industrial kitchen design
Spacious industrial kitchen


Stainless steel is a staple in industrial kitchen design, favored for its sleek and modern look. Whether you prefer classic or contemporary appliances, incorporating stainless steel is a safe and stylish choice that fits seamlessly with the industrial aesthetic. Consider mixing and matching different stainless steel finishes to add depth and visual interest to your industrial kitchen.

  • Large Appliances for Extra Capacity

    Industrial kitchens are typically designed and utilized to serve a larger number of people, with a focus on maximizing usability and efficiency. Appliances play a significant role in achieving this goal. Incorporating modern appliances like a double oven, extra-large fridge, or other high-capacity options can greatly enhance the functionality of your industrial kitchen.

    Additionally, simple appliances like microwaves with extra room and convection options can significantly improve the flow of your kitchen. Consider investing in appliances that align with the industrial aesthetic while also providing ample space and features to make meal preparation and cooking more efficient.
  • Incorporate Unique Appliances

    Adding unique and functional appliances like a mounted espresso machine or hideaway toaster can add a touch of fun to your industrial kitchen while still maintaining simplicity. When designing a new kitchen, it's essential to find ways to modernize and improve your home's overall look and feel.

    At Sustainable 9, we constantly strive to innovate and enhance our kitchen designs to provide you with modern and functional spaces. When you choose to work with us, you can trust that we will deliver exceptional results and provide you with a kitchen that matches your vision.

    Whether you're looking for a modern, industrial, or contemporary design, the Sustainable 9 team is here to help you build your dream home. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for your next building project. We would be honored to work with you!

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