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Pre-Designed Homes

The Perfect Home Made Easy

Sustainable 9 has been building high-performance custom homes from scratch for almost two decades. Along with our partner, Unfold Architecture, we’ve developed a new series of Pre-Designed Homes that are architecturally driven, sustainably focused, and structurally optimized – allowing us to deliver these homes for a lower cost and on a quicker timeline.

Pre-Designed vs. Custom Homes

Defining The Difference

Building Custom offers total design freedom and unlimited personalization, however the process can be time-consuming and expensive. Our Pre-Designed option standardizes and streamlines the design + build process, offering our aesthetic and sustainable construction at a lower price point and faster pace. To help you determine which building process is right for you, we've created a comparison chart below.


To ensure we meet our sustainability goals, all of our Pre-Designed homes come with following third-party verified certifications.

HERS Index

The Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index is the industry standard by which a home’s energy efficiency is measured. It is the nationally recognized system for inspecting and calculating a home’s energy performance.

Energy star
Energy Star

A Federal supported construction standard run by the EPA and DOE, providing certification for homes and buildings that requires at least 15% less energy consumption than current building code requires. All Sustainable 9 homes include this certification.

EPA Indoor airPLUS

Indoor airPLUS helps new construction home builders improve the indoor air quality by requiring construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants. All Sustainable 9 homes include this certification.

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DOE Zero Energy Ready Home

The DOE Zero Energy Ready Home certification further reduces energy consumption of a home such that a renewable energy system could offset most or all the home's annual energy use. It requires rigorous efficiency and performance criteria, and the home be built "solar ready" or have solar installed. Most Sustainable 9 homes achieve this certification.

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Let’s Craft Your Perfect Home