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5 Things To Know Before Building Your Dream Home

September 16, 2021

A Guide to building your dream home

The real estate market is currently experiencing a shortage of available properties.

However, this shouldn't discourage you from finding or building your dream home. At S9, we specialize in helping our clients achieve their dream home goals. Before pursuing your dream home construction project, it's crucial to contemplate or reflect on a few key considerations.

Determine Your Budget

When it comes to building your dream home, one of the most important factors to consider is affordability. Simply obtaining a pre-approval letter from a mortgage lender is not enough to determine what you can afford. It's crucial to take the time to assess your budget fully, understand what it can realistically get you, evaluate your wiggle room, and ensure you can put down at least a 20% down payment. Here are some additional crucial takeaways to keep in mind:

Calculate your entire debt-to-income ratio, including all your monthly expenses, divided by your gross income, to determine if a home is affordable for you.

  • Calculate your entire debt-to-income ratio, including all your monthly expenses, divided by your gross income, to determine if a home is affordable for you.
  • Homeownership entails various expenses, including homeowners’ insurance, property taxes, and repair/upkeep costs. If you're unsure about your ability to handle these expenses, it's best to wait.
  • Building a home requires a 20% down payment, and saving for a house doesn't have to be complicated; all you need to do is create a budget to get started.

Once you have a clear understanding of what it takes financially to build your dream home, it's time to think ahead and consider what type of home best suits your needs in the future.

Plan Ahead

Building your dream home is a significant long-term investment and likely the most significant purchase you'll make in your lifetime. Therefore, careful planning is essential. Consider the following questions:

  • Is the property you're eyeing an investment?
  • Are you planning to expand your family, and if so, will the new home meet your needs in the next few years?
  • Is this a stepping stone to your next project, or do you see this home as a lasting family home for generations to come?

Although these questions may seem trivial now, taking the time to consider them in advance will pay off in the long run. The most significant question of all is, how long do you plan on living in or owning the home?

According to Rocket Mortgage, a good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you can see yourself living in the home for at least five years. This way, the money spent on closing costs, real estate agent fees, and mortgage interest doesn't go to waste. While it's easy to fall in love with a home that fits your current needs, it's essential to plan for the future. Once you've thought through these questions, you can start exploring different neighborhoods that align with your goals.

Figure Out your Architectural style

When it comes to building your dream home, it's important to have a clear understanding of your preferred architectural style before you start the process. This way, your team can narrow down their search and focus on finding the perfect fit for you. To determine your preferred architectural style, there are a few helpful resources to consider. 

"Online platforms such as Pinterest, Houzz, and home magazines can provide inspiration and allow you to save and organize ideas that catch your eye. Additionally, taking a drive around various neighborhoods to view homes firsthand can be a helpful way to identify what you like and don't like," says Brittany from Sustainable 9.

Once you've gathered a collection of images and ideas, it's essential to work with a team that can turn those ideas into a reality. Ideally, you'll want to work with a team that has both design and build expertise. At Sustainable 9, we take pride in having an in-house team of engineers, project managers, and interior designers who can guide you through every step of the home design and build process.

Know Your Must Haves

When it comes to building your dream home, it's important to consider every detail and feature you want in your new home. From the kitchen countertops to the layout of your entertainment spaces, take the time to figure out what you really want before the design and build phase begins.

To help you through this process, it's best to create a checklist of must-haves and nice-to-haves before you begin building your home. This checklist will ensure you don't forget any important features, plus, it will provide your architect, designer, and builder with exactly what you hope to have in your home. With these important steps taken care of, you're now ready to move on to the exciting process of building your dream home!

Pick The Right Team

When embarking on the journey of buying or building a home, it is crucial to select a team of experienced and trusted professionals who can guide you throughout the process and help you avoid costly mistakes.

One effective way to find reliable team members is by seeking referrals from colleagues, friends, and family. It's important to choose professionals who not only have the necessary expertise but also share your vision for your dream home.

At Sustainable 9, we understand the importance of a skilled and trustworthy team. That's why we partner with the best vendors and subcontractors to deliver the best results. We prioritize sustainability, energy efficiency, and are committed to building homes that are architecturally distinct, design-forward, and custom-crafted. With our design and build teams working together seamlessly, we're able to create custom homes that exceed our client's expectations.

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